Welcome to Maquilife

Dedicated to the ones who love nature and make a living in the forest, the birdwatchers, the tourist who want to come to Ecuador, and of course, to our former visitors and volunteers.

sábado, 20 de febrero de 2010

From the Estación Cienífica (here I live):

I was doing my morning work out (first time in a long time).. and when I finished them, I was about to take a shower and form the porch I could see to mammals: a tayra ("cabeza de mate"or hurón, Eira barbara) , and just before that I was able to see an Agouti (guatusa, Dasyprocta punctata).

By the way, two nights ago, in a night walk with Manuel Sanchez (Ecuadorian bird guide) we saw kinkajúm (Cusumbo, potus flavus) from the observation tower.

Life is around at Maqui!

viernes, 19 de febrero de 2010

Hi, I am Daniel Ochoa, Manager at Maquipucuna Lodge, located at 80km (50 miles) from Quito, in the heart of the Cloud forest of the northwestern foothills of the Andes mountain Chain.

Through this blog, I am going to publish all the stuff that happens here: the weather, the tourist, the trips with the crew, what has been seen in the trails (special remark in birds), the projects with the community, etc.

I am not a native English speaking, so please do not appreciate my grammar skills, appreciate the story and the life in Maqui.

I hope this blog will inspire you to come here and: meet nature "at its purest", have a cup of one of the best coffees in the country, talk about nature, life, propose ideas, or to become a volunteer of this project, or if you had the pleasure to visit Maqui, to keep in touch with us.
